How do I become an oenologist?
Oenologists have a fine palate, enabling them to analyze wines with the aim of improving their quality. They oversee every stage of wine production, from grape selection to bottling. They can work anywhere in the world.
What is the role of the oenologist?
The oenologist is a specialist in vines and wine. They are responsible for overseeing the production of both wines and grape-based products. He must possess a wide range of scientific and technical knowledge, as well as an understanding of the wine market and its expectations.
The oenologist continually strives to improve wine quality throughout the winemaking and wine production process, and is involved in :
- choice of grape varieties,
- grape analysis,
- date of harvest,
- control of wine fermentation or distillation,
- choice of treatments applied to wines,
- assembling,
- bottling.
He can be a wine production oenologist or a consultant oenologist.He can then work as an employee in a laboratory, cooperative winery or vineyard, or as a freelancer. They are often confused with sommeliers, whose job is to find the best matches between food and wine.
How do you become a professional oenologist?
Diplomas, studies and training needed to become an oenologist
To become an oenologist, it is essential to acquire the diplôme national d'œnologue (DNO) at bac+5 level. This training enables future oenologists to hone their taste buds and olfactory skills. By acquiring solid knowledge in applied vine biology and biochemistry, the young graduate will be able to detect wine defects and their origin.
Before taking the 2-year course, you must have completed one of the following bac+3 courses:
- a degree in biological sciences,*
- a degree in chemical sciences,*
- a degree in biochemical agronomy,* and
- a BUT in biological engineering.
Where can I take the national oenology diploma (NOD)?
- National Agricultural College of Toulouse ;
- Agro-Montpellier Oenology Training Center ;
- UFR of exact and natural sciences of Reims ;
- Toulouse Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
- University Institute of Vine and Wine Jules Guyot of Dijon ;
- Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences of Ornon ;
- Viticulture-Oenology Center of Midi-Pyrénées.

Aveine's precision
Oenologists can become technical managers or cellar managers after acquiring more experience and additional training in agronomy, economics and business. They can also become teachers or trainers in parallel with their profession.