
Answers to all your questions about wine.


What is wine breathing?

Breathing wine means leaving the wine to aerate after uncorking the bottle.


When is the harvest?

In France, the grape harvest takes place between August and October.


When is the late harvest?

The late harvest takes place in November, after the traditional harvest in France.


What are the different steps in white wine vinification?

There are 8 steps in the vinification of white wine.


Which yeasts are used in winemaking?

There are two main categories of oenological yeast responsible for the alcoholic fermentation of grapes.


How red wine is produced ?

There are several steps in the vinification of red wine, some of which are mandatory and some of which are chosen by the winemaker.


What is the aim of pasteurisation in wine-making?

Pasteurisation is a heat treatment that destroys bacteria, micro-organisms and yeasts.


How do I become a winegrower?

As specialists in the vine, winegrowers work exclusively on the vines.


Which grapes are used to make white wine?

Grapes from different regions of France are used to make white wine and white-peeled grapes.


At which temperature should white wine be served?

White wine should be served and drunk at the ideal temperature, between 9°C and 14°C depending on the type of wine.


Can white wine be kept in the fridge?

You can keep an opened bottle of white wine in the fridge, but you need to follow certain rules.


How do I become an oenologist?

Oenologists have a fine palate, allowing them to analyse wines with the aim of improving their quality.


How do you keep an opened bottle of red wine?

After opening, store your bottle of red in a dark place where the temperature is stable.


How should bottles of wine be stored?

The most important thing when it comes to storing bottles is that they should be kept horizontal, at the right temperature and protected from light.


At which temperature should red wine be stored and enjoyed?

A constant temperature of 12°C is recommended for storing and ageing wine.


How do we measure the temperature of wine?

A special thermometer is used to measure the temperature of a wine during tasting and in an ageing cellar.


Which wines are tannic?

The concentration of tannins influences the taste, colour and aromas of a wine.


How does a wine tasting experience?

There are 3 main stages in wine tasting: observing, smelling and tasting.


How do I make a wine tasting sheet?

A tasting sheet provides a summary of the various stages in the analysis of the wines on offer.


How do you remove gas from a wine?

To remove carbon dioxide, decant the wine and shake it for a few seconds.


Why use a wine aerator?

The aerator oxygenates the wine. It helps to open up the aromas and soften the tannins.


How should wine be stored in a wine cellar?

For best cellar storage and ageing, always place your bottles of wine horizontally.


What are the differences between a serving wine cellar and an ageing wine cellar?

These cellars do not have the same characteristics (temperature, humidity, etc.).


When should wine be decanted?

Decanting means putting a wine into a carafe after opening the bottle to allow it to breathe or decant.


Which wine needs to be carafed?

Not to be confused with decanting, the aim of carafing is to aerate the wine.


When should you uncork a bottle of red wine?

Bottles of red wine should be uncorked well before serving, from 1 hour to over 10 hours, or even up to 24 hours.


What is wine decantation?

Decanting is an operation that involves pouring a wine into a special decanter to separate the wine from its solid deposit.


How do I choose a glass of wine?

Choose your glass according to the type of wine (red, white, rosé, champagne), its grape variety and vineyard.


How do I clean a wine glass?

To clean your wine glasses, use hot water and gel soap by hand rather than in a washing machine.


How to hold a glass of wine?

The wine glass should be held by the stem, at the bottom at the base, in the middle or higher, before the chalice, the part that contains the wine.